IKV | Inlined Key-Value Store

Storage for ML features - 50% cheaper and 2x faster than Redis.

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Supercharged ML feature storage

IKV Architecture
IKV Architecture

Most key-value stores need a remote database cluster, whereas IKV is a fully-managed embedded key-value store, built on top of a persistent data plane. This allows you to utilize your existing application infrastructure to store data (cost efficient) and access it without any network calls (better performance).

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Cost-effective caching at sub-millisecond speed

50-80% cheaper than Redis solutions like AWS ElastiCache

No need for database clusters

Utilize your existing application cluster (or augment it with memory/SSD) to store your data. No need for costly database clusters.

Fast, even on Flash/SSD

IKV doesn't need to make any network calls to access data. This enables use of Flash/SSD instead of memory for storing data, while still achieving sub-millisecond access speeds.

Auto-Scaling friendly

IKV can be used as a library, i.e. it auto-scales with your existing application cluster. Traditional database clusters need to be provisioned for peak-load at all times.

Embedded and blazing fast

100x faster than Redis for in-memory data, 2-3x faster when used on Flash/SSD

Zero network latency

IKV is as an embedded (client-side) store for accessing data without the need of network calls (no overhead of network latency, ser-deserialization, encryption, etc). Data can be accessed from local memory or disk - even on a cold start.

Richer queries

Blazing fast storage allows you to query multiple datasets and normalize your data (joins). You can also feed more candidates to your ML models or make them more expensive.

Optimized for read performance

No need for data compaction (like LSM tree databases) - use IKV without worrying about a saturated disk. No garbage collection (written in Rust), maximal data locality, lock-free multithreaded data structures and zero-copy disk reads.

Fully managed, more than a library

Traditional embedded databases (like RocksDB) are just libraries, IKV does way more.

Persistent & geo-replicated

Write once and read forever with no need for backup or snapshotting. Scales horizontally with your application - partitioning for more data and replicas for more compute.

Run in a cluster

IKV can be accessed as a library (on-host data storage) across your application cluster. IKV's underlying data-delivery pipeline replicates data across your fleet.

Nearline & batch inserts

Onboard a data stream (kafka, kinesis, redpanda, etc) or a batch source (S3, Snowflake, Redshift, etc.) with a single unified API.


100x lower latency vs Redis

IKV: 5 microsec, Redis Cluster: 500 microsec

Faster on SSD than Redis in-memory

IKV: 2-4x faster depending on dataset size
Local data access (memory or flash/ssd) will always be faster than access over the network, i.e. embedded will always win the performance battle over client-server DB architecture. We compare read performance of IKV with Redis Cluster (AWS ElastiCache) using a single client node in the same region.
See Benchmarks

Cheaper to run, fundamentally

IKV's architecture enables hardware utilization and data-tiering which can drastically reduce costs. By running IKV's embedded store, you can utilize your existing memory/disk resources and avoid allocating memory-intensive database servers. Secondly, for most applications data-tiering (frequently accessed data in memory, rest on disk) is the right approach. With it's memory-mapped index design, IKV can do zero-copy disk lookups and do data-tiering based on your hardware, while achieving sub-millisecond speed.

IKV Cloud

Use IKV in your AWS, Google Cloud or Azure service by using IKV Cloud (data plane hosted and fully-operated by inlined.io)

$15 / GB-month
Claim $250 credits

Private Cloud

Self-host IKV's containerized data plane.
(Coming Soon)

50-80% cheaper than Redis (AWS ElastiCache)

Redis (AWS ElastiCache) costs depend on the dataset size and throughput/availability (ex. geo-replication) requirements of your application. IKV costs depend on the dataset size and memory/disk upgrade cost of your cluster. For various configurations, we have found the latter to be much lower. In the example below, we calculate costs for an application running on general purpose EC2 instance with 8 cpu / 32 GB RAM (m7g.2xlarge) on AWS. Read our full analysis to estimate costs for your service -  comparison.

#app instances = 4
#app instances = 8
#app instances = 16
#app instances = 32
16 GB
AWS ElastiCache

$239 (-67%)
AWS ElastiCache

$239 (-67%)
AWS ElastiCache

$239 (-75%)
AWS ElastiCache

$239 (-87%)
32 GB
AWS ElastiCache

$479 (-67%)
AWS ElastiCache

$479 (-67%)
AWS ElastiCache

$479 (-75%)
AWS ElastiCache

$479 (-87%)
64 GB
AWS ElastiCache

‍$1248 (-57%)
AWS ElastiCache

$1538 (-47%)
AWS ElastiCache

$2118 (-46%)
AWS ElastiCache

$3278 (-58%)
128 GB
AWS ElastiCache

$2206 (-62%)
AWS ElastiCache

$2496 (-57%)
AWS ElastiCache

$3076 (-60%)
AWS ElastiCache

$4237 (-73%)

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